Digital Tools we learn anything in 2020, it is the importance of digitizing our businesses. Not only that but also how unprepared some are to move to digital technology. We are talking about seven digital tools that will be essential for your business in the year that we have just started.

According to recent data, 90% of small businesses do not offer their products online. In comparison, 85% of those who have done so have begun to see results.

But going digital doesn’t just mean selling online. It also implies a process of modernization of processes and the use of new technologies.

We live in a time of great technological development, and there are many tools that can help us and make our work more pleasant, faster, cheaper, or easier.

Accounting Programs Accounts Under Control

Having an accountant is a thing of the past. Many entrepreneurs and directors of SMEs have had major headaches due to problems with accountants. Not because they can’t do their job, but because they can’t always provide the personalized service you need.

There are times when consultation or care is needed that we cannot always get. In addition to the reluctance of those who prefer to have everything under their control. How can you keep your business accounts without being an accountant? Or even more so, without having great accounting knowledge.

It is for them and for everyone that there are accounting applications and programs. It’s a great way to keep your business accounts neat and up-to-date. In addition, with an easy-to-use and understandable interface, graphics, consultations for personalized support, and many bits of help.

But not only do they keep a record of the accounts, but they also have in their database the taxes that a company has to pay, so that they can remember and explain for each type of company what, how much and when to pay some fees.

CRM Much More Than Software

If in 2021 you have to explain what a CRM is, it is a bad sign. It is an acronym for “Customer Relationship Management.” However, do not be fooled by its name. It is much more than a tool to control the transaction with the customer:

  • Control a large volume of customers
  • Launch and control marketing strategies
  • Analyze and collect data on customer behavior.
  • Helps retain and retain customers
  • Improve brand positioning
  • Improve customer service by making it more intuitive and personal
  • Generate reports and reports
  • Help keep all business movements organized

Just to mention some of all the actions that we can do with the help of a CRM. It can be implemented in marketing, sales, customer service, and even IT.

There are thousands of digital CRM tools on the market. Some are more generic, others more specific. Depending on our needs, we will need one type or another.

Video Captioner The Future Is Through Your Eyes

Video will account for 80% of total global Internet traffic by 2021. You need audiovisual elements if you want to stay current, capture customer attention, and create great content.

However, making videos is not easy or cheap. Or at least making quality videos is not. If you are embarking on this adventure, you better get it right. Anyone is capable of filming a fairly normal product on their mobile, but a good video is a great cover letter to promote and market your brand or business.

You will first need an editor, which is the basic tool for all audiovisual content. Cut, paste, adjust an image, sound, eliminate silences, etc. It is important to polish your video so that it is relevant.

However, a great video is not enough. Your message must be clear and accessible to as many people as possible. A subtitle generator is very important for this. We must take into account those who do not have the hearing capacity or simply those who cannot activate the audio of their devices.

When presenting a video with subtitles, also be careful from the beginning—inviting even those who cannot hear it to understand and appreciate it.

Newsletters An Increasingly Fashionable Classic

The first form of mass marketing was through the mail. With the advent of the Internet, advertising began to reach our virtual mailbox. But like everything else, the abuse created SPAM, and artificial intelligence began to read the content and throw it away for us.

It’s kind of an email marketing downfall. However, in the recent years it has returned and with increasing strength. Emails are no longer obtained illegally, or advertisements are sent without authorization. On this occasion, we are aware and, in addition, it is the clients themselves who register.

Creating a newsletter with news, quality content, and special promotions means that more and more people are joining the mailing list. In a subtle, close, and direct way, we can offer our clients personalized and special offers. 

Creating a newsletter is no longer a puzzle. Using digital tools like Mailchimp or MailerLite, in minutes, we can schedule and send emails to thousands of people and have everything under control.