Quantum technology applications – For now, it appears that quantum computers will not replace the world’s supercomputers that perform useful tasks, and quantum computers will focus on the research area. However, Google’s quantum computer managed to successfully simulate a simple chemical reaction as early as 2020. The exploit opened a new way to better understand molecular reactions and could lead to valuable discoveries. Some examples: more efficient batteries, new drugs, fertilizer production methods, or better techniques to remove carbon dioxide from the air. So, although quantum computing just beginning its development in today’s world, we cannot lose sight of it, because in this decade it threatens to explode in many of the new products that will be offered on the market.
Quantum Technology And National Security
For China and the United States, quantum computing is a matter of national security. Like all “super technological advances”, quantum computers are a double-edged sword. They could one day lead to advances in artificial intelligence and overcome the encryption that protects computers. This will be crucial for national security, banks, and even the e-commerce sites we use every day. It is to know that this important advance technology does not comes from university or government, but from the companies that are private like Microsoft, Google, Alibaba which rules the Internet searches.
Quantum Computing And Artificial Intelligence
The quantum computing best complement is Artificial Intelligence (AI), whose use has increased many advantages to most of the companies who took a decision to improve their operational processes. The AI formula, which consists of creating better strategies, thanks to prediction algorithms that analyze large amounts of collect data, has been consolidated in industrial sectors such as finance, health, logistics, automotive, data mining, or entertainment.
The union of quantum computing and artificial intelligence promises to be humanity’s next revolution. If we add the extraordinary computational speed of quantum computing to the ability to work with algorithms that simulate human intelligence, which artificial intelligence already does, the result will be unimaginable.
The Future Of Quantum Computing
Quantum computers promise exponential increases in processing power. Allowing for calculations, simulations, analysis, and more. that until now have not been viable. These computers operate by putting their qubits in a temporary state of overlap. Where they can represent both 1 and 0 of a traditional computer’s bits. Even though there is a still long way but one day we will definitely go. Said by the experts that the real benefit is that you can see it in five to ten years. Therefore, in this decade, we will enter fully into the era of quantum technology.